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MST3000.ORG: An online resource for Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K)
New Update!
08/14/2006 9:20 PM EST
Hello, and welcome to MST3000.ORG. Our site is about a television
show called Mystery Science Theater 3000 (or MST3K for short). Here
you will find information, some sound clips of the show, and a community
of other "MSTies" (or when we're more successful we'll have a
community). What can you do here? Well threre's plenty to do! Come and
chat with other fans of MST3K every day! Just click on the chat link.
Look at our tape trading board, and get those episodes you're missing from
your collection. Check out the sound clips, and listen to some of the great
clips of MST3K right on your own computer; even use them for sound
events! Maybe even goto the bot building section, learn how to build your
own bot and show it off to your friends (or not)
(begin new news)
Well folks here's the deal. As you can tell, I no longer own
I needed money and I did nothing with the site. And I continue to do nothing
with the site practically. So then it dawned on me just now: _I_ might not be
able to do something with the site, but YOU can! Yes YOU! Not not him, YOU!
What am I talking about? That new loveable word everybody's been throwing
around that's usually very meaningless and pointless: WIKI!
I've been doing work on my websites and servers, and I think it's time
that I do something with this and let it so that people can help do stuff
with the site. SOOOO, I'm going to set this up in the hopefully near future
as a Wiki or some other sort of Content Management System backend, so that
YOU the visitor can contribute.
The idea will be that we'll have reviews of the episode, good quotes, a
summary of the episode and links to the sounds on each page, and I can still
get important things done while others help out. No offense, but I just
don't have time for this site anymore
Also, you'll all be happy to know: The ad banners are gone. Bye bye. No
more. Atleast for now. Yeah yeah the code's still kinda there commented
out, but I doubt I'm bringing it back any time soon. The short of it is that
I no longer have this site on a server I pay for. I was only trying to break
even with this, and well, there's no need for that anymore, so no more ads
Except for the big one at the top. What's with that? That's who bought
my old domain! That's what. I link to him, he links to me, and we're a happy
family. Or something like that. So go buy episodes on DVD from him. He's a
nice guy.
I'm hoping to bring back the forums as well and get this site alive
again and all. It really needs a nice kickstart again
(end new news)
Don't forget about the MST3K links directory, message board, and
tape trading area. I also have a newsletter I'm sending out once in a
while about updates to the site. If you want to post to the message board
or tape trading area, or simply want to get the newsletter, then just
sign up at the message board.
-- Jouva
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