Bot Building

7/22/2000 12:20 PM EST

In this section you'll find instructions on how to make your own MST3K robot puppets, complete with pictures of each step. Currently I have made Tom Servo only. As I make the other bots, their instructions will be posted as well, also with pictures of each step. Mind you since this is the first time I made each robot, the pictures may not look too great. The final product, however, may look different than what is seen in each step. This is because I may undo things and redo them (but not take pictures of that).

If you do not understand a step, please feel free to E-mail me with your question. Don't forget about the Bot Builders message board on here (which many people seem to forget about that section anyway). Also, there is a mailing list on egroups for bot builders. You can ask questions, or request to trade parts, though we often talk about other semi-bot or semi-mst3k related items, such as MST3K action figures and hot glue. If you wish to sign up, enter in your email address below, and click the "Join Yahoo!Groups" icon. Tell them I sent you. If you have your own creation, then you can send me a pic, and I may put it up here.

Now as an added bonus, i bring to you, the bot building laws. Well not really LAWS, or even rules and regulations or things you need to follow. Just highly suggested tips when building bots. They can even be applied to other similar projects. But they're generally common knowledge, but I have them here so you don't go overboard on your first time, and so you can remind your self of these ideas.

Tom Servo Crow (not done) Gypsy (not done)

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