What exactly is MST3K? What do they do on the show? Why should I turn
my crank to FRANK? Well all of these questions and more (or less) will be
answered in this section. More detail will be given in the timeline
sections (which will be made later)
"In the not too distant future", a guy named Joel Robinson (played
by Joel Hodgson) worked for a company named "Gizmonic Institute" as a janitor.
Gizmonic Institute was a place where EVERYBODY was an inventor. Even Joel was
an inventor. |
Joel had 2 bosses. One was Dr. Lawrence Earhart (played by Josh
"J. Elvis" Weinstein), who was quite young and dim-witted. He left after a
short period of time. |
Another boss of Joel's was Dr. Clayton Forrester (played by Trace
Beaulieu). His hair and mustache have a white streak supposedly from being
struck by lightning. The bosses didn't like Joel, since Joel was a better
inventer. So they shot him into space on a space ship (named the "Satellite
of Love"), and performed experiments on Joel. |
While on the satellite, Joel created 4 robots.
Cambot was created to film the experiments. Cambot is rarely seen, and only
"spoke" during the pilot episode, which was unaired to the public. The only
way we can see cambot is thru the use of a mirror. |
Gypsy (voice by Jim Mallon, then later by Patrick Brantseg) was
created to control the satellite. Gypsy is the only female on the ship,
and since her mind is used to mainly control the ship, she speaks rather
dim witted and in a very goofy voice. Really its because a man is doing
the voice of a woman, but hey, this is the on-screen story. |
Crow (voice by Trace Beaulieu, later by Bill Corbett) is the gold
robot that joins Joel in the experiments. He is a spec screenwriter, and is
more often the one with a potty mouth (when it does happen). |
Tom Servo (voice by Josh "J. Elvis" Weinstein, later by Kevin
Murphy) also joined Joel for the experiments. He is red, has a gumball
machine for a head, and a great singing voice. Intellectual, has a little
bit of an ego, but seems to get emotional a lot (especially cries). |
What were the experiments about? The theory
was that they could take extremely bad movies, force people to watch them to
the point where they crack, and it will help them take over the world. So
how do Joel, Crow and Servo fight back? Simple: they talk right back to the
movie. |
During breaks, they have "host segments", sometimes about the
movie, sometimes something totally unrelated. Now these are not your
average bad movies. Some of these are the type of movies that make "Plan
9" look good. Some are bad, some are awful, some are hideous. Movies that
lacked a sensable plot, or any plot, or good dialogue, or contained things
such as stock footage, jump cuts, and nonsense music. Some movies matched
under a few of these categories, and a few even had all of these. |
One odd thing about the show is that quite a few people have
seen the show, remember it, but don't know what its called, simply
because they haven't seen enough of it. When explained to them, and shown
pictures of 2 robots and a guy at the bottom of their screen talking to
movies, they remember it. They remember enjoying it for the short time
they viewed it. But never looked more into it. Does this show sound or
look familar now? Yes? No? It doesn't really matter. While the show IS
canceled, they do have reruns on Sci-Fi (Saturdays 9-11AM EST), and Rhino
Home Video has put some of the episodes aired on Comedy Central on video
casette (availiable for purchase now for about $15-$22 per episode). There are
also many fans who are making (or have made) amateur produced episodes. Why?
Because they can. Because people refuse to see the show go away. |
Why do we watch MST3K? Because its funny! Oh sure there are times
when the humor is dry, but generally I've seen about 3 types of responses as
to why people DIDN'T like the show. 1) They actually enjoyed the movie that
was being made fun of, 2) They didn't see enough of the show and only
ended up seeing small parts of the show that weren't very good, or 3) They
got bored of it after the first few minutes. Generally it looks like
people didn't like to sit around for 2 hours to watch this. Well with the
Rhino Videos, its cut down by 1/2 hour. As for enjoying the movie, well,
its your opinion. Though some movies were almost impossible to like, some
were still likable than others. But they all still had their bad elements.
Sometimes the movies were too bad, that people new to the concept couldn't like
the show. |
The uniqueness in this show is that it challenges accepted junk
and many issues, while still keeping generally in bounds of clean fun.
Kids age 10, to adults in their 40's, 50's even 60's have enjoyed this
show. And there you have it. Mystery Science Theater 3000: ask for it
by name. |
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